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Clip Single

Clip Single

The Clip Single Gas Detector (SDG) is an industrial gas detector designed for use in hazardous areas and offers reliable, durable fixed-lifespan monitoring in a compact, lightweight and maintenance-free package. Clip SGD has a 2-year life, available for hydrogen sulphide (H2S), carbon monoxide (CO) or oxygen (O2).


The Detective+ is a rugged, water and impact resistant multi-gas monitor for temporary areas. Ideal for use in turnaround\shutdown procedures, hot work maintenance, confined space entry work and many other utility, construction and oil and gas industry applications.
Gas Pro

Gas Pro

Detect gases such as hydrogen sulphide, carbon monoxide while monitoring oxygen depletion with the Gas-Pro: a portable multi-gas detector with a pre-entry check mode, providing compact detection of up to 5 gases.


The Gasman is a compact, lightweight and highly durable single-gas detector, designed for use in the toughest environments. Perfect for customers who need more sensor options, TWA and data capability.
Gas-Pro IR

Gas-Pro IR

The Gas-Pro IR is ideal for the oil and gas industry. This personal multi–gas monitor solves the challenges faced by traditional pellistor catalytic sensors, detecting gases such as methane, pentane or propane using infrared (IR) technology even in low oxygen environments.
Gas-Pro PID

Gas-Pro PID

The Gas-Pro PID gas detector gives you full flexibility to monitor a wide range of gas types and volatile organic compounds (VOCs), perfect for environments with high solvent use. Offering both pumped and diffusion solutions, the Gas-Pro PID offers multiple uses within one compact detector, making it suitable across a wide range of applications.
Gas-Pro TK

Gas-Pro TK

Our Gas-Pro TK is a specialised tank monitor that is perfect for customers who want to purge, free, or maintain storage and transportation tanks due to its integrated auto switching dual range IR sensor technology.
LaserMethane Smart

LaserMethane Smart

The LaserMethane Smart is a compact and portable methane gas detector, providing remote detection of methane to minimise risk to personnel. Suitable for those working in areas with gas distribution systems, underground gas storage, gas distribution station, gas processing plant, gas compression and gas storage.
L-TEK P100

L-TEK P100

The L-TEK P100 utilises TDLAS technology to monitor methane and methane-containing gas concentrations in a target area by leveraging the specific absorption characteristics of methane at certain laser wavelengths. This portable detector is commonly used for inspecting methane and related gases in industries such as petroleum, chemical processing, mining, and urban gas. By enabling long-distance, non-contact measurement, it ensures operator safety in high-risk environments. Its compact design makes it easy for inspectors to carry, enhancing detection efficiency.


The T4 provides portable detection for the four most common gas hazards in one, simple to operate, durable device, to ensure compliance across a variety of sectors and environments.


The T4x is a portable multi gas monitor providing enhanced personal protection whenever you need. Available with added industry leading sensor technologies (MPS™ and long-life O2) to improve worker safety, remove the risk of device poisoning, and cost you less over time.
Tetra 3

Tetra 3

The Tetra 3 multi-gas monitor is a compact, robust and easy-to-use diffusion-based detector. Single button operation, small size and clear top-mounted display make it a favourite in the market amongst those working in demanding industrial environments, such as those in the water, telecoms, food, brewing or hydrocarbons sectors.